자신의 집 한 채는
지인은 1983년에 토론토 노스욕 영과 핀치 인근에 삼십만 불을 주고 집을 샀다. 이 집은 1980년대 말 100만 불까지 올랐다. 하지만 1900년대 초반 40만 불까지 떨어졌다. 이때 토론토에 있는 많은 한인들도 큰 타격을 입었다. 1990년대 중반부터 1990년대 말까지 조금씩 회복되는 듯했으나 크게 오르지는 않았다. 하지만 2000년에 들어서서 본격적으로 값이 오르기 시작했다. 현재는 2.2 Million을 호가한다.
또 다른 지인은 2009년 7월 뉴마켓 북쪽에 370,000불 가량에 집을 샀다. 현재 가격은 700,000불에 육박한다. 5년 만에 가격이 두 배 가까이 올랐다.
이것은 2014년 12월 현재 토론토와 GTA의 가격을 대변해주는 한 사례이다. 집 한 채로 조금씩 부를 늘려나가는 것은 누구에게나 주어지는 권리이다. 자신이 사는 집 한 채(Primary Resident인 경우)로 얻는 시세차익(Capital gain)에 대해서는 세금을 부과하지 않는 것이 캐나다의 정책이다. 자신에게 주어지는 권리와 기회를 잘 이용하는 것이 자산을 불려나가는 한 방법일 터이다.
토론토 노스욕에 자산을 가진 지인의 아들은 학교를 졸업하고 결혼을 한 후 1500불 가량의 월세를 살았다. 아버지는 아들에게 집을 살 것을 권유하였다. 아들은 다운 페이먼트 할 돈이 없었다. 아버지는 아들에게 100,000불을 빌려주었고 아들은 다운 타운에 300,000불을 주고 콘도미니엄을 샀다. 이 콘도미니엄은 현재 500,000불을 호가한다. 아들은 아버지로부터 빌린 돈을 모두 갚은 상태이다.
오늘 날짜 토론토 스타에 실린 집값 변화와 예측에 관한 기사를 올려둔다.
Are homes in the GTA becoming unaffordable?
By Bryan Tuckey
As new home prices in the GTA increase, people are asking: are we becoming as unaffordable as Vancouver?
There are economists who worry we could be heading in that direction. After reading the latest statement from the Bank of Canada, claiming that the market is overvalued by as much as 30 per cent, it’s time to explain why home prices are climbing the way they are in the GTA.
I also thought it’s important that this comes from the industry that puts roofs over Canadians’ heads and creates approximately 180,000 jobs each year across the region.
We live in one of the fastest growing regions in North America, increasing by up to 100,000 people and 50,000 jobs each year.
Over the last decade, we have seen a significant shift in the homes we build, from mainly ground-related homes like single-detached, semis and townhomes to high-rise homes like condominiums.
To prove my point: 10 years ago 75 per cent of new homes sold in the GTA were low-rise and today the market is dominated by high-rise sales. Close to 35,000 new homes have been sold this year and currently there are 217 high-rise developments under construction across the region — a result of sales over the last few years. We are outpacing high-rise capitals like New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.
This is a direct result of the intensification objectives outlined in the provincial growth plan, Places to Grow, which aims to increase density in urban centres and along transit corridors to accommodate the projected population growth.
The building industry has embraced all objectives in the growth plan and has respected the development limits of its sister document, the Greenbelt Plan.
As developable land with municipal services within the boundaries of the growth plan becomes limited, its value increases.
Not only land value but increasing government charges and fees along with construction costs have all contributed to rising housing prices across the region.
The price of a new home has doubled in the last 10 years, with the price gap between high-rise and low-rise at a record high.
Recent figures released by national real estate statistics consultant RealNet Canada Inc. show the average new low-rise home price at $694,629, while the average price of a new condo suite is $455,535.
With the gap between the two property types steadily widening, the dream of home ownership is drifting out of reach for many, especially first-time buyers and new Canadians already struggling to save up for a down payment.
This is a problem for everyone — the industry, government and consumers.
RealNet president George Carras has said that you only have to look to Canada’s West Coast to get a glimpse of what the GTA’s future may hold.
In 2004, the Greater Vancouver Area experienced what the GTA faces today. But as years passed, the price gap between low- and high-rise homes in Vancouver has grown substantially from $240,000 in 2004 to $800,000 today.
These high housing prices are a direct result of demand outpacing supply, as the GVA is surrounded by water and mountains.
The GTA is similarly bounded by Lake ontario to the south and the Greenbelt to the east, north and west.
Veteran Canadian housing economist Will Dunning says this trend could be problematic and has suggested that unless something is done with regard to housing choice and supply in the GTA, the price of homes in the low-rise sector will continue to rise in a pattern similar to Vancouver’s.
Today the average price of a low-rise home in Vancouver is $1.2 million.
This is a high number, but it’s not unheard of here in the GTA and that is why it is so important that we all work together — the industry, governments and consumers — to align our vision in an effort to address this issue. This is vital in ensuring that the GTA remains a vibrant region that is the envy of the world.
Bryan Tuckey is president and CEO of the Building Industry and Land Development Association and a land-use planner who has worked for municipal, regional and provincial governments. Follow him on Twitter @bildgta, facebook.com/bildgta and bildblogs.ca.
From TORONTO STAR Monday, December 15, 2014 page A15