분명한 계획과 목표를 가지고 하루하루 사는 사람이 있는가 하면 별 생각 없이 사는 사람들이 있습니다. 두 사람 모두 출발 선상에서는 큰 차이가 없겠지요. 하지만 시간이 갈수록 그 격차가 커질 것입니다.
분명한 계획과 목표를 가진 사람은 목표를 이루기 위하여 하루하루 열심히 노력합니다. 이루어가는 과정 가운데 기쁨을 누리기에 힘이 들어도 당당히 감내해내지요.
계획과 목표를 가지지 못한 사람들은 대체로 전자의 사람들에 비해 게으릅니다. 그리고 힘든 일이 닥치면 낙심하고 포기해 버립니다. 자신에게 닥쳐온 문제들을 외부 환경 탓이라고 원망하기도 하지요. 전자의 사람들은 어려운 문제가 닥치면 반드시 극복될 수 있는 것이라 믿습니다.
분명한 계획과 목표를 가지는 것이 무척 중요합니다. 어떤 일이든 계획 없이 되는 것은 없습니다. 집을 지을 때에도 설계도면이 필요합니다. 설계도면이 없이 집을 지으면 시간도 많이 걸릴 뿐 아니라 결함이 많을 수밖에 없지 않을까요? 도로를 만들 건 건물을 짓든 설계도가 반드시 필요합니다.
우리의 삶도 시간에 따른 확고한 목표가 필요합니다. 지식을 습득하는 것, 경제적인 것, 능력을 키우는 것 등 모든 부분에 말입니다.
<Start Planning>
Stocks are falling, real estate values are retreating and more layoffs may be on the horizon. The sky may really be falling, so what we to do in uncertain times? Simply put, you get certain.
Every day we are learning the importance of smart finance and life planning. In this respect our economy has some valuable life lessons to teach.
We can take the opportunity to refocus and take stock of more than just the markets. Value investing starts in your personal life. The money only matters if it is supporting you and your life goals.
How can you arrange your finances so they support you today and beyond? Replace the fear with a healthy dose of new perspective. What if the ailing economy is one gigantic wake-up call for everybody? What if we need to refocus and simply invest time in our life and personal finance?
When it comes to money, how are your finances? What goals have you set financially? What time-frames have you allotted to completed them?
Today, more than ever, is an opportune time to grap a blank sheet of paper, a pen and your favourite tea or coffee, sit in a comfy chair and write out the details on what you want your finances to look like.
Be specific on each goal and action you will take to turn your vision into reality. Create short-,mid-and long-term targets.
Your short-term goals will range from one to three years. In this time-frame it's prudent to set priorities that cater to the everyday basics of Personal Finance 101. For instance, starting a "peace of mind fund" should be priority No.1.
Most financial advisers will tell you to put three months or more expenses into this account for every day unknown. This is sound advice and challenging for many. Start off small and save a minimum of $1,000 that you will keep in a separate saving restricted from your ABM access card. Saving $1,000 is simple if you start today. Before you buy that next something that you so desire, be sure to store away $2.74 per day for the next 12 months and mission accomplished. once you commit to this goal and store away your first $1,000 in designated account, you will feel a sense of relief and accomplishment.
There is no better feeling than having a reserve in place to weather the storm. Credit cards should be a last resort for emergencies because they create more fear and anxiety when they cannot be paid back in full each month. Keep the credit for expenditures that are tax-deductible and/or be paid off before incurring interest charges.
Mid term goals are set over three to five years. Here you can create financial goals that represent future opportunities; for example, purchasing your currently have to assist your efforts. Automatic savings is essential in this category. It creates financial discipline and is effortless. This may also be a great place to have your Tax Free Saving Account. As of Jan 1 the federal government allowed you to save up to $5,000 for 2009 tax free.
Subsequent years will see the limit increase to keep once with inflation. This is a win all around because you will save and earn interest, dividends and/or capital gains without the tax burden.
Your long-term goals can be spread out over five years or more.r This is a good time-frame for retirement planning. Look at your current life and think about what you want your retirement to look like. Will you continue to work part time, travel and start volunteer work?
There is no magic number for the dream retirement because we all have different visions of perfection. Keep in mind Henry Kissinger's famous quote: "If you don't know where you are going, every road will get you nowhere." A financial planning professional will provide added value. They help to clear the fog and provide the map to get you where you want to be tomorrow.
Just like today's uncertain times, fear only increase because of the unknown. So know where you are going. You have the power to choose. Put aside the talk of bailouts and stimulus packages in the market. Refocus on your financial future. Set your financial goals, prioritize with realistic time-lines and create and action step to follow every day. This alone will mitigate the fear!
(Source: 24 hours Wednesday, June 10, 2009 page 22 by Donna Francis who is a financial life coach)
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