Sentences a day in English

Coyote Attack

멋진 인생과 더불어 2009. 10. 30. 03:02

집 근처에서 가끔 늑대나 코요테를 봅니다. 그만큼 많다는 의미이겠지요.    캐나다는 야생동물의 천국이라 불립니다. 숲이 울창하고 자연이 잘 보존 되어있어 야생동물들이 살기에 적당한 것이겠지요. 숲 속에서 주로 생활을 하는 이들은 먹이가 모자라면 동네로 내려옵니다. 가끔 인가로 내려온 코요테가 집에서 기르는 개나 고양이를 공격하여 말썽을 일으키곤 하지요. 어제는 두 마리의 코요테가 산길을 걷던 포크 송 가수를 물어 결국 죽음에 이르게 하였습니다.

포크송 가수는 테일러 미첼(19세)은 자연 속에서 걷기를 즐겨하였습니다.  공연을 앞두고 혼자서 공원을 걷던 중 코요테의 공격을 받았습니다. 인간과 야생동물이 함께 어울려 사는 모습이 보기에 좋았는데 앞으로 코요테의 개체를 줄여야 한다는 이야기가 나오지 않을까 염려스럽습니다.

야생동물의 삶의 터전을 야금야금 빼앗아 한 쪽으로 몬 것을 생각하면 어쩌다 한 번씩 일어나는 사고 정도야 감내해야 하지 않을까 싶습니다. 전도가 양양했던 여가수 테일러 미첼의 안타까운 죽음을 애도합니다.   

<Fork singer 'loved the woods'>

A budding Toronto singer and songwriter was remembered yesterday as a warm, compassionate, inspiring young woman whose talent transcended her age before she was killed by coyotes during a Maritimes tour.

At 19, Taylor Mitchell had already collaborated with award winning artists, written and released her debut album to great acclaim and enthusiastically embarked on her first east coast tour, where a solo hike left her dead early yesterday morning.

Born Taylor Josephine Stephanie Luciow, Mitchell was hiking along Skyline Trail in Cape Breton Highlands National Park where she was attacked by two coyotes Tuesday afternoon, RCMP Sgt. Brigdit Leger said. Her injuries would prove fatal.

"She loved the woods and had a deep affinity for their beauty and serenity," Mitchell's manager Lisa Weitz said.

The folk singer was on a break between gigs, just days into her east coast tour when she was killed.

"Words can't begin to express the sadness and tragedy of losing such a sweet, compassionate, vibrant, and phenomenally talented young woman," Weitz said.

Earlier this month, she was named a Canadian Fork Music Award nominee in the "Young performer of the year" category for her debut album, For Your Consideration, released in March.

While Mitchell's family requested privacy. Weitz extended a "heartfelt, thank you" from Mitchell's mother, Emily Mitchell, "to all who welcomed Taylor and her music into your hearts and for being a part of her dreams. Her warmth, artistry, and infectious enthusiasm will be so missed."



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