아래의 글은 우리 모두가 잘 아는 이야기입니다. 가진 것으로 만족하지 못하고 자꾸만 더 가지려하는 욕심을 풍자한 글이지요. 기억하였다가(가능하면 외워서) 친구나 동료에게 들려주는 것도 좋은 공부가 되리라 생각합니다.
<a piece of meat>
A dog steals a piece of meat from the cook, and on his way to safe place where he will eat it, he crosses a bridge over a river. He looks down and sees his own reflection in the water. 'Oh', he thinks, 'There is another dog down there with a piece of meat in his mouth which is larger than mine. I shall take it away and then I shall have two pieces of meat'. He begins to bark to frighten the other dog, but when he opens his mouth, his piece of meat drops out and falls into the water.