Sentences a day in English


멋진 인생과 더불어 2009. 2. 25. 09:10

건강하게 오래 사는 것에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있습니다. 의학이 발전하면서 사람들의 수명이 길어져 이제는 80세까지 살다가 세상을 떠나도 아쉽다는 이야기를 듣게 되었지요. 평균 수명이 백세가 될 날도 머지 않았다 싶습니다.

사람들의 수명이 길어지면서 노후를 어떻게 행복하게 보낼 수 있을까에 관심을 가지는 사람들이 점점 많아지고 있습니다. 노후를 행복하게 보내기 위해서는 경제적인 준비와 아울러 건강한 육체와 건강한 정신을 유지하는 것 또한 중요한 일이 아닐까 싶습니다. 건강하지 않고 오래 사는 것은 오히려 고통스런 일일 터이니까요.

나이든 사람뿐만 아니라 젊은 사람들도 건강에 더 많은 관심을 가져야 하겠지요. 젊은 사람들 중에도 예기치 못한 병마로 오랫동안 고생하는 사람들을 많이 볼 수 있으니까요.

어떤 음식을 섭취하는 가가 우리의 건강에 큰 영향을 미치는 일은 당연한 일입니다. 과일과 야채를 많이 섭취하고 햄버거나 감자튀김을 적게 먹고 염분을 줄이는 것 등은 무엇보다 중요하지 않을까요? 잘 알면서도 실천하기가 쉽지 않으니 보통일이 아닙니다.


<An antioxident Rx>

 A new book for 2009 may inspire a healthier you. Author Bryce Wylde, who is a homeopathic doctor and director of natural medicine at the Vaughan Medical Centre in Vaughan, ont., says we each need to find the balance between good nutrients called antioxidants and bad cell-killers called free radicals. “Your health status is based on the balance of antioxidants and free radicals. If that balance is off, you’re aging faster and trending toward disease faster.”

  To achieve your balance, you must know what to erase from your life and what to add. For example, remove as many toxins as you can (plastic wrap in the microwave or radon gas in the basement) and don’t do things to excess (examples: too much sun, too much junk food and even too much exercise!). Add more antioxidant-rich foods such as chocolate, berries, veggies, coffee and red wine.

  Wylde's new book The Antioxidant Prescription (published by Random House) covers how to test yourself for free radicals, how to remove toxins from your environment, how to detoxify, how to get your stress levels under control, how to exercise in moderation, and how to consume more antioxidants, through food and supplements.

  Wylde also likes to “debunk the junk,” and demonstrates that anti-aging doesn't come in a bottle. It’s a little bit more work than that. “Beauty occurs from the inside out,” he says. “When there is a balance between antioxidants and free radicals internally, you achieve beauty,” he told Metro in an interview.

  So what are these sinister free radicals? Our bodies produce free radicals naturally, but they can be destructive to cells when produced in excess, and act almost like rust to metal. Studies show they play a role in cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, Alzheimer's and autoimmune diseases. “Free radicals are the root of all disease — at the molecular level,” said Wylde. To get rid of free radicals, he says, try to limit your exposure to baddies such as plastics, radon gas (you can buy a detector at hardware stores), junk food, unnecessary prescription drugs, food additives such as artificial colour and sun, recommends Wylde.

  Over-exercising is just as bad or worse than being a couch potato, he adds. Wylde guesses that Lance Armstrong, who won the Tour de France seven times in a row, contracted testicular cancer because of his excessive, free radical-producing exercise regime.

  The old “no pain no gain” mantra is not the best way to go, according to Wylde. Instead, he recommends a daily routine of weight-bearing and non-impact cardiovascular exercises, which he outlines in the book.


<Top 10 list of foods to avoid>

1. Fast food such as burgers and fries

2. Hydrogenated fats(will show op on ingredients list for crackers and cookies)

3. Olestra(a synthetic fat)

4. Nitrates(Found in bacon and hot dogs)

5. Alcohol(except for moderate amounts of red wine)

6. Row oysters and sushi(may carry bacteria)

7. Saturated animal fats(in beef, pork and in chicken skin)

8. Soda pop

9. High-fat and high-sodium snacks, including chips

10. Frozen meals when you have time to make  "real food."

<Antioxidants: 산화방지제, 항산화제, 노화방지제>

"Antioxidants" is the new household word. But what are these health powerhouses, and where can we find them?

Antioxidants are key nutrients to our health. Think of vegetables and fruits with the deepest, darkest colours as having the most antioxidant power. More and more studies these day are showing that antioxidants can help fend off diseases, even serious once like heart disease and some types of cancer.

According to homeopathic doctor Bryce Wylde, author of The Antioxidant Prescription, we need to consume more antioxidants these days to counteract our unhealthy environment and lifestyle. 

"With our load of toxins, stress and lack of exercise , we need a much higher level of antioxidants."

Antioxidant super heroes are: Berries(black berries, elderberries, blue berries and strawberries), red wine(in moderation, of course), spinach, kale, broccoli, garlic, tomatoes, carrots, dark chocolate(yeah!), coffee, beans, nuts, legumes, and spices such as sage, cumin, turmeric and curry.

(source: Metro Canada, Tuesday, February 24, 2009 page 19 and 20)

*cumin 미나리과의 식물

*turmeric 심황(인도산)뿌리의 나무

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