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어쨌든 지금이 집을 사기에 가장 적합한 때라는 건 분명해 보입니다. 이곳 북 아메리카(North America)에서 말입니다.
<Buying your first home>
-Experts say homeownership never looked so good-
The bad news about the economy is good news for those considering homeownership.
"Interest rates are low and property prices are more affordable then they've been in years," says Shari Love, a real estate agent serving the Edmonton area.
Not only will aspiring first-time homebuyers save on their home purchase, they'll also save more in the long run than if they were renting.
"As a renter, you'll never see your money again. As an owner, you will see a return, because property prices tend to increase in value over time," Love says.
Swapping your rented apartment or parents' basement for a house or condo and a mortgage is a big step, but enough planning and budgeting can make it easier.
First, Love says, evaluate your lifestyle and spending habits, and decide if and how you can scale back.
"A lot of buyers expect to have the standard of living of their parents, which they have acquired over years and years," Love says. "They need to live within their means."
One way to save money, she says, is cutting back on transportation expenses.
"We see a lot of younger people trying to buy a home who have fantastic vehicles for which they pay $750 month," say Love, and suggests that public transportation is much more economical.
To prepare for a home purchase, Love says, individuals should regularly purchase RRSPs so they can take advantage of the federal government's RRSP Home Buyer's plan. The plan lets first-time buyer's borrow up to $20,000 from their RRSPs and repay it over the next 15 years without penalty.
When it comes to securing a ,mortgage, cash-strapped individuals choose 0% down payment and amortization period of up to 35 years. Those who can afford it, Love says, should go for 5% down to bring down the cost of their mortgage and own their home sooner.
What can help cover the cost of a mortgage, Love says, is renting out a bedroom or basement apartment.
"Rental income helps make the mortgage and the home more affordable," says Love, adding that the Alberta government offers homeowners a grant to develop a basement or above-garage suit for a tenant.(In ontario, check http://showmethegreen.ca/category/ontario/ for grant and rebate programs)
If homeownership is on your radar, but you need extra help getting a mortgage, www.homeownersoon.com may be an option.
Catering mainly to first-time buyers, this unique service helps Canadians rejected for a mortgage by the banks-because of insufficient down payment funds or an unestablished credit history-to buy a home in a timely manner.
"We fill a need in the marketplace for those who want to own a home, but can't obtain financing from major financial institutions," says Alex Kluge, relationship manager.
Participants make a small down payment that's credited to them as a deposit that will form part of their overall equity in the property. They then begin making monthly payments, which include a rental payment and a Monthly Option Credit payment (typically about 20% of the rental payment), which is saved and credited towards the purchase price of their property.
"Homeownership is one of the best wealth-building tools available," Kluge says. "This service allows people to make their dreams of homeownership come true."
(Source: 24hours Fryday, June 19-Sunday, June 21, 2009 page 20 by Sharon Aschaiek)
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