
“고맙습니다. 덕분입니다.”

멋진 인생과 더불어 2013. 11. 27. 22:43

    소통 능력이 중요한 시대입니다. 어울려 살아야 하는 세상이기 때문이지요. 잘 어울리려면 상대를 인정할 줄 알아야 합니다. 자신의 이익만 생각하거나 자기 주장만 옳다고 우길 때 사람들은 쉽게 인정하려 들지 않습니다배려해주고 인정해줄 때 사람들 또한 나를 좋아하고 따르기 마련입니다.

저는 늘 자신을 먼저 생각하며 살아왔지 않았나 싶습니다. 남들보다 무엇을 잘해야지 하는 생각 때문에 좌우를 돌아볼 여유가 없었습니다. 스스로 만든 목표를 달성하기 위해 애쓰다 보니 옆이 보이지 않았습니다. 경주마가 달릴 때 주위를 돌아보지 못하게 눈가리개를 한 것처럼 저 역시 눈을 고정하려 했습니다.

직장생활을 할 때 사람들끼리 어울려 다니며 고스톱을 치고 당구치는 것을 어리석게 생각했습니다. 아까운 시간에 왜 저러고 다니느냐는 생각을 하곤 했었지요. 세월이 지나고 보니 어쩌면 그런 시간도 꼭 필요한 시간이 아니었나 싶습니다. 사람들과 어울려 생각을 나누고 즐기는 일을 통하여 유대감이 생기게 되는 것이니까요일종의 세력이 만들어지기도 합니다.

요즈음에 와서 특별히 다른 사람의 삶을 인정하고, 그들과 함께 삶을 나누는 것이 얼마나 중요한지를 생각하곤 합니다. 다른 사람을 위해 내 귀한 시간을 내어줄 줄 아는 것이, 따뜻한 위로의 말을 건네는 것이 사람답게 사는 길이라고 확실히 믿으며 실천하려 애씁니다.

박인비 선수가 한국 선수 최초로 ‘PGA 올해의 선수상(Player of the year)을 받았습니다. 박세리 선수도, 김미연 선수도, 박지은 선수도 타지 못했던 상을 박인비 선수가 탄 것은 팬의 한 사람으로 큰 기쁨이었습니다.

수상식에서 박인비 선수가 했던 연설이 무척 인상적이었습니다. LPGA 커뮤니티에 속한 사람들은 한목소리로 박인비 선수의 연설에 감동하였다고 칭찬했습니다미국의 주요언론들도 박 선수의 수상 연설을 관심 있게 다루었습니다.

박 선수의 연설이 사람들에게 감동을 준 이유는 솔직하게 자신의 마음을 이야기했다는 점일 것입니다. 가족과 캐디 그리고 경쟁자였던 수잔 패터슨과 스테이시 루이스 선수에게 진심으로 감사한 마음을 전할 때 잔잔한 감동이 있었습니다.

사람들은 자신의 부족함을 인정하고 솔직해질 때 그리고 진심으로 이웃에게 감사의 마음을 전할 때 그 말에 귀를 기울이지 않나 싶습니다.

어쩌면 내가 잘났다.”고 말하는 순간 사람들은 나를 떠날지도 모릅니다. “그래 너 잘났어.” 라고 생각하며 더 인정해 주지 않으려 합니다하지만 부족함을 인정하고 힘든 부분을 이야기하면 그 마음을 이해하고 함께 하려 합니다. 지금의 내가 있게 된 것은 주위의 도움 때문이라고 이야기 할 때 사람들은 감동하고 인정하며 곁에 있으려 합니다. 

조정민 목사님은 자신의 트위터를 통해 이런 표현을 했습니다. “겸손은 자신이 늘 과분한 대접을 받고 있다고 여기는 것이고 교만은 자신이 늘 미흡한 대접을 받고 있다고 여기는 것이다. 그래서 겸손은 미안한 마음이고 교만은 서운한 마음이다.” 생각해보면 옳은 말이다 싶습니다.   

박인비 선수의 연설 전문을 올려둡니다.  

Thank you! Thank you LPGA, thank you Rolex.

I don’t know where to begin.

Actually, it began watching the great players on TV. They seemed like people from a different world. They felt so far away. I still wonder, how in the world did I get here?

Who would’ve known that I would be standing here making a Player of the Year Award speech.

Not long ago, I was just a girl who was amazed by the fact that I was holding the scorecard of Lorena Ochoa. I clearly remember the day I was paired with Lorena for the first time. I was so overwhelmed after the round that I bragged about it to my sister. And now I am here, seven years into my professional golf career.

Many people say I look effortless when I play golf. They also say I’m emotionless. Some even started calling me the “Silent Assassin.” I think that’s a great nickname. It means I get my job done without making unnecessary mess. However, just because I don’t show my feelings, doesn’t mean that I don’t feel anything.

I went through the biggest waves of emotions on the tour this season.

What I have gone through this year, what I have experienced, has been the most challenging task I’ve ever had to go through.

The season seemed endless. Every tournament, every round was a constant battle. I felt as if I was chased. There wasn’t a single moment this year where I felt completely relaxed. I felt as if I wasn’t left alone for one second.

There were unforgettable moments... like winning three major championships in a row, but I wasn’t ready for the attention and expectations that came along with it. I wasn’t prepared to deal with all of that on top of keeping up my performance. I still dont feel that prepared. I struggled, especially dealing with the media attention.

I remember where were days when the thought of addressing the media overwhelmed me. Imagine yourself in China, standing in front of a crowd of Chinese people who are staring at you, and you had to make a speech in Chinese. That’s how I felt.

I would repeat over and over again in my head what I had to say even if it was a single sentence, and I still wouldn’t get it right.

Secondly, I just felt so uncomfortable standing in front of a crowd whose eyes were all on me. But now, I also realize it is part of the job, so I want to feel as comfortable standing here as I do on the golf course.

So to answer the media’s question, and yours: Who is the “Silent Assassin?”

Well, I am someone who believes in finding happiness. My goal at the beginning of the year was simple: Let’s be happier than last year; at most, let’s win on more tournament.

Don’t we all want to be happy? Aren’t we all doing whatever we do in order to be happy?

Unexpectedly, as soon as happiness became my goal, I achieved more than ever. This year I had my best season yet, with six wins, including three straight major championships.

I think that makes for a great year, don’t you think?

But a funny thing happened when I realized success; I started to want more. That’s when I really started to struggle. A lot came into my mind. I started to think too much; I started to think about scores, statistics, not only mine, but of others as well.

I found it especially challenging dealing with other’s expectations of me, and with the attention that chasing history brings.

In the midst of this perfect storm, my family kept me grounded. They reminded me of why I play golf. I don’t think I tell my family enough how grateful I am for their voice of reason and for their love. So at this time, I would really like to thank my family, who kept their faith in me though the good and bad. (speaks in Korean)

As well, to my extended family, friends, and fans and my sponsors, especially my agent Su Jung Lee, who made the long trip from Seoul to be here with me today. I am only standing here on behalf of all of these people.

I would also like to thank Suzann and Stacy for pushing me so hard throughout the season. Without them and their outstanding performance, I would not have been able to achieve this award. They made me work harder and made me realize how bad I wanted to stand here. It was tough.

I’m telling you guys with all my heart that it was not easy ... but it sure was worth it.

After the Lorena Ochoa Invitational last week, I could not have felt more relieved. I was really happy.

Of the many people I would like to thank, I cannot forget Brad Beecher. He’s much more than just a caddie for me, he has been one of my best friends throughout the many years I have been on the tour. Brad has been next to me when I had to make tough decisions on the golf course. I cannot count how many times he saved me from taking poor shots.

Whenever doubt creeps in, he’s there and helps me commit to my shots. Without his support, I would not have performed at the level I have this year.

Off the course, I never hear him complain when I ask him to do some tedious task. He gets along with my family and is even more thoughtful towards them than I am.

Brad, I am so grateful for our friendship both on and off the golf course and I look forward to continuing our success next year.

Cheers, mate!

Last but not least, I would be remiss if I did not mention my fiance. He just makes me smile.

He took a tremendous risk when he decided to stand by me and support me on the tour. I don’t think I could thank him enough for the sacrifices he has made. Despite not speaking English, he made a decision to move to a foreign country with only one thing: faith in me.

Some people say he is the lucky one, but they are wrong. I am the lucky one. Because of him, I was able to fall in love again with golf. I began to enjoy my life on tour and that is reflected in my play. (speaks in Korean “오빠 고마워 사랑해”)

And finally, I am honored to have my name next to the greatest names in women’s golf. It really is unbelievable. I am especially proud to be the first player from South Korea to win this award. My hope is that my achievements will inspire a new generation of young girls to pick up a set of clubs and follow their dreams.

More than anything though, I, the “Silent Assassin,” am most proud that I kept my eye on the higher goal, happiness. I found it.

Thank you.

<Rolex Player of the Year speech, given on Friday (Nov. 22, 2013) night at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort in Naples, Fla.>

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