시리아 난민 163명이 토론토 피어슨 공항에 도착했다. 도착하자마자 캐나다 영주권이 주어졌다. (많은 경우 영주권을 받기 위해서는 일정한 자격요건을 갖추어야 함은 물론 비용이 들고 시간도 걸린다) 밤늦은 시간임에도 국무총리와 장관들이 공항으로 나가 이들을 환영했다. 갓 취임한 젊은 총리 저스틴 튀르도는 한 사람 한 사람에게 외투를 선물하며 가족으로 맞았다. 더운 나라에서 추운 나라로 왔다고 주는 마음이 담긴 선물이었다. 난민캠프를 떠돌며 고생하던 그들의 삶이 한순간에 바뀌었다.
우리가 천국에 가는 것도 이와 같을 것이다. 아무런 조건 없이 영주권이 주어지는 것도 그렇고 하늘과 땅 차이로 삶이 달라지는 것도 그렇고… 시리아 난민 1진 163명이 도착하는 날 토론토 스타 1면에는 사진과 함께 이런 환영의 글이 실렸다.
Welcome to Canada
You are with family now.
And your presence among us makes our Christmas season of peace and joy just that much brighter.
The people of Toronto are honoured to greet the first group of the 25,000 Syrians who will arrive in this country in the next few months, and who have chosen to make a new life with us. It’s been a long trek, but you are no longer refugees. Your days of being strangers in a strange land are over.
You are in Canada now, with all the rights and protections and possibilities that confers.
You’ll find the place a little bigger than Damascus or Aleppo, and a whole lot chillier. But friendly for all that. We’re a city that cherishes its diversity-it’s our strength. Canadians have been watching your country being torn apart, and know that you’ve been through a terrifying, heartbreaking nightmare. But that is behind you now. And we’re eager to help you get a fresh start.
By the way, don’t be fooled by the gentle weather. You’ll need those parkas, mittens and boots before very long, And the kids will need skis, snowboards, ice skates and toboggans, too. We don’t endure winter. We roll over it.
And while you’ll find plenty of folks who speak Arabic, we have our own dialect that you may hear on the streets. The hockey team is the Leafs(or Buds), not the Maple Leaves. The Red Rocket is our transit system, The local term for a loser is hoser. And we end every sentence with “eh?”
So that’s pretty much it for now, eh?
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